Broadcasting live from DJ Clark Kent’s studio, the event features DJ sets from The Originals, four legendary DJs–Clark Kent, Stretch Armstrong, Tony Touch, andRich Medina–all of whom have deep roots in the NY rap scene and unique perspectives on Biggie’s career. The DJ sets will have a three-act structure, examining the past (Biggie’s influences), present (music from B.I.G. himself), and future of the legendary rapper’s legacy (music directly inspired by Biggie). Featuring insightful conversation and great music, the Instagram Live event airs on @TheNotoriousBIG, the estate’s official Instagram account.
Check back at 8pm ET for a night of deep conversation, amazing music, and heartfelt celebration of the enduring legacy of one of the greatest rap artists of all time and use #IGotAStoryToTell to join the conversation.
Watch the trailer for Biggie: I Got a Story to Tell:
Watch Biggie: I Got A Story To Tell on Netflix: