Amber Rose seemingly warned Kanye back in 2015 about his relationship with Kim Kardashian, as Twitter would have it. Despite the tweet resurfacing, Rose was actually throwing a shot at Kanye after his “30 showers” comment he made her on The Breakfast Club. In her tweet she said that that the “Kartrashians” will humiliate her ex-boyfriend after they are “done” with him.
“@kanyewest I’ll leave that up to the Kartrashians to humiliate u when they’re done with u,” Rose tweeted.
After seeing that her tweet resurfaced, Rose took to instagram to respond.
“Man f**k that old ass tweet. i never got an apology for his “30 showers” comment but f**k it,” Rose said, referring to the comment Ye made about her saying that he had to take 30 showers to get Rose’s “aura” off of him before getting with Kim Kardashian.
Rose went on to say that following his comment, she started her SlutWalk and helped “millions of women around the world stand up for themselves against slut shaming.” She added that none of the Kardashians even acknowledged her tweet. She also admitted that it was immature of her to involve the Kardashians in the mess that her ex made.
“Kim nor her sisters deserved that tweet and y’all shouldn’t co-sign that either. Shit was old and immature af of me to involve the KarDASHians in the mess HE (Kanye) made.”
As recent events would have it, many think Rose was predicting the future when she tweeted that. Just over the weekend, Kanye took to social media and claimed that the Kardashians would not let him come to his daughter, Chicago’s, birthday party. In clips of an upcoming interview with Jason Lee, West touched on how the media spun the news about him buying a house across the street from Kim into a “jealous ex” story, and how he could not see his children at Kim’s house because Pete Davidson was there.