Artist / Entrepreneur Baby Nine Gives Us Insight On What 2023 Will Look like


Most artist don’t have much interest in the consumer, underground legend and rising artist Baby Nine is looking to impact the people and give hope. Using his versatility pitching multiple sounds to create a body of hiphop/R&B that allows the listener to take a step into the artist mind. Seeing how these moments shaped who he is today. Becoming a beacon of light to those who have stayed in the dark Baby Nine continues to help them find their way into a path of success.

Well known underground artist baby nine began writing music as a child but began to take it serious after he survived a deadly car crash in 2019. Which was the start of his career

As an artist Baby Nine utilizes his gift to uplift those who are going thru similar trials and tribulations he has faced in his life to become the man/ artist he is today, taking that opportunity to share his pain thru music.

I’m addition he has produced many great records, he’s not stopping there with his new EP “hood love “ coming very soon we have a lot to expect and look forward to seeing what he has in store for 2023.

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