Family of 9 Year Old AstroWorld Victim Decline Travis Scott’s Request to Cover Funeral Expenses


9-year-old Ezra Blount was amongst the 10 fatalities in the AstroWorld tragedy, after sitting on his father’s shoulders before getting caught up in the deadly crowd surge that would leave hundreds injured and 10 dead.

Blount, who was the youngest victim of the deadly Houston fest, succumbed to his injuries after being put in a medically induced coma at the Texas Children’s Hospital in an attempt to save his life. The hospital would confirm that Blount would pass away due to irreversible organ failure on November 14th.

With the news of Blount’s passing, Travis Scott offered to cover the funeral expenses the day after the 9-year-old was buried, to which his offer was denied in a letter projected by attorney Bob Hilliard.

“Your client’s offer is declined. I have no doubt Mr. Scott feels remorse. His journey ahead will be painful. He must face and hopefully see that he bears some of the responsibility for this tragedy,” it stated.

“There may be, and I hope there is, redemption and growth for him on the other side of what this painful process will be — and perhaps one day, once time allows some healing for the victims and acceptance of responsibility by Mr. Scott and others, Treston and Mr. Scott might meet, as there is also healing in that,” he continued.

“As a parent, Treston cannot help but agonize over the terrible idea that Ezra’s last minutes were filled with terror, suffering, suffocation and worst of all surrounded by strangers, his dad unconscious underneath the uncontrolled crowd.”

Blount’s family has filed a gross negligence lawsuit against Scott and all parties involved in the Houston festival. Rest in peace to the ten victims that lost their lives during a night that was meant to be fun and joyful. Our hearts go out to their families and loved ones.