J. Cole Celebrates “2014 Forest Hills Drive” 6th Anniversary w/ “Fire Squad” (Video)

j-cole-firing-squad J. Cole Celebrates "2014 Forest Hills Drive" 6th Anniversary w/ "Fire Squad" (Video)

The video follows a girl and an old man playing a game of chess. The match between the two grows intense. The girl delves deep into conversation about men who call themselves “kings” and how they only crave for the power but are actually cowards who are afraid of death.

J. Cole refutes the idea, via his lyrics, throughout the record and video: “We all kings. Kings of ourselves first and foremost. While the people debate who’s the king of this rap game. Here comes lil ole Jermaine.”

In addition to premiering the video, Dreamville Records also announced that they’ll be re-releasing previously deleted music videos from J. Coles catalog.