Specifically, Lionel B directed and animated a new visual for his Papa
Duck-featured single, ‘The Way It Used To Be’, which arrives with a
Back 2 The Future aesthetic. The music video swanks extraordinary
sets, vibrant colors and fresh graphics and scenes. As for the record
itself, the song stays spot-on to the sound that’s synonymous with
Lionel B, but gives us a hint as to how his style has developed in his
upcoming album.
Being one of the top 3 celebrity bloggers on YouTube, Lionel B
managed to build up his fanbase of over 335,000 subscribers in just a
year and a half, which is unheard of. Pushing over 82 million views, the
Florida native is gearing up to again show the world with his debut into
the music industry. His song “The Way It Used To Be” is a certified
summer time sizzler, all will enjoy, and also make them reminisce on
their childhood.
Take a look at the “The Way It Used To Be” ft. Papa Duck lyric music
video below, if you like what you see then sit tight as the ‘Lionel B
Show album will be dropping on the 27 th of November.
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