Macklemore Invests In Beverage Company To Support Addiction Recovery: ‘I Align With It’


Macklemore has partnered with beverage company CLEAN Cause as an investor and creative director – for reasons that hit close to home.

Providing organic sparkling yerba mate, the company donates 50 percent of its net profits to fund sober living scholarships, supporting people in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. As someone who’s been in recovery for over 12 years, Macklemore is providing artistic direction on a new limited edition can, digital editorial content, music and creative direction for the brand.

CLEAN Cause’s mission is so important to Macklemore, it took just two minutes to convince him to get on board.

“It’s a new role and with CLEAN Cause I’m just excited about the overall mission,” he told Forbes. “I think that for me anything that I’m passionate about, anything that I understand on a personal level, I’m going to put my all into it. The mission at CLEAN Cause is very personal and very near and dear to my heart. It says right on the can, fifty percent of the profits go to people that are struggling with the disease of addiction and helping them get into treatment.”

He added, “I align with it. Going myself, being in recovery … being able to access a treatment facility, those are the foundational pieces of what saved my life and gave me a career.”

Macklemore spoke more about the power of receiving treatment and how his dad helped save his life.

“If it wasn’t for my dad stopping me when I was at rock bottom and getting me into a treatment facility, in that first surrender that I had where I knew I couldn’t do it on my own anymore, if it wasn’t for that moment, I wouldn’t be here today,” he explained. “And if for some reason I was, I would be in active addiction and I would never have had an opportunity to share my art with the world.

“The disease … I was trapped, I couldn’t get out. To know that CLEAN Cause’s mission is to help people that are in that same position, that might not have those financial resources to go to a 28-day in-patient treatment facility, that is a solution to this growing epidemic of a problem we have right now in America around the disease of addiction.”

CLEAN Cause founder and CEO Wes Hurt also talked about teaming up with the rapper and how they share the same values.

“We share a heart for the cause in helping others, I believe,” he said. “A lot of stars you see stamped on brands or backing non-profits on TV or whatever, I’m not saying they’re not admirable or authentic or real, but Macklemore is authentic. He’s the real deal.”

He continued, “He’s a dude that has everything already, but he speaks his truth in his art and his music and he doesn’t claim to be freaking perfect. I think that approachability and his ability to create content that connects with the everyday person and doing that with such authenticity and humility captures what I think is the very essence of the CLEAN brand and our cause.”