Multiple 1017 Artist Pull Out of Howard Homecoming Performance in Protest with Students


While students at Howard University should be focusing on celebrating their homecoming weekend, instead students are protesting for betting housing conditions on the campus of popular HBCU, Howard University.

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According to students, the University has not attended to multiple health violations in the dorms that include rats, mold, and roaches. Amidst the students protesting, multiple artists from Gucci Mane’s 1017 label made the decision to stand in solidarity with the students by not performing in their upcoming homecoming show.

HotBoyWes, Big Scarr, and BiC Fizzle agreed to support the students and later took to Instagram to share their reason for not stopping at Howard, as part of their HBCU tour. “We stand in solidarity with the students at Howard University. No one should be forced to live in unsafe conditions #BlackburnTakeover” #HoodAvenger,” Big Scarr tweeted.


With more coverage of the student’s poor living conditions, the University’s board of trustees made a statement in regards to the current state of the housing. “Simply put, we hear you and we continue to welcome your viewpoints on all matters pertaining to Howard,” the statement reads. “The goal is to cultivate spaces for us to listen and discuss prominent issues on students’ minds.”

Protestors of the Unversity claim that they have been threatened with expelling by the police, including Howard officials. Some students even state that Howard officials are denying them food, as they are locked out of using their campus resources. Check out the post below.