Rainn Wilson, formerly of beloved sitcom The Office, was surprised with a sweet note during a recent flight.
While onboard, a flight attendant named Melanie wrote Wilson a quick note, possibly not wanting to cause unwanted public attention to the actor. “‘The Office’ got me through some of the darkest days of my life. I can’t thank you enough for that,” she wrote.
Wilson passed along Melanie’s message to his fans on X, acknowledging that he didn’t see who dropped it in his lap. “I didn’t even see who dropped this on my lap at the PDX airport but I greatly appreciate the sentiment, flight attendant Melanie of Alaska Airlines,” he wrote. “So humbled to be a part of a show that affected, touched, comforted and inspired. And continues to do so! It’s so fucking rare. A continuous Thank you to the whole Office family, cast, writers, crew and especially AUDIENCE! (Note: this is not an open invitation to give me notes on napkins!)”