Charlamagne Tha God Criticizes Ye’s Pete Davidson Bar: “What Happened to Jesus?”


Charlamagne Tha God has always been outwardly critical of Kanye. Whether it be about his music, fashion, or support for Donald Trump, Charlamagne will let his opinions of Kanye be known. On a recent episode of his Brilliant Idiots podcast with Andrew Schultz, Charlamagne criticized Ye’s line in “Eazy” where he threatens to “beat Pete Davidson’s ass.”

“I thought Kanye’s bar to Pete was corny as hell,” Charlamagne said. “I thought it was corny. I didn’t like it…what happened to Jesus? What happened to God? You weren’t even cursing on your records and now all of a sudden you wanna beat up Pete Davidson?” Charlamagne went on to add that he “didn’t respect” the bar.

Charlamagne went give a further explanation on the bar, thinking that it was influenced by Ye hanging out with “street rappers” now.

“I think about what he said on Drink Champs when he said, he used all the backpackers. Remember he was like ‘I used all the backpackers cause I never really liked backpack rap,’ and then you see him hanging out with like a lot of the street rappers now. He’s hanging out with all these guys just to be able to say that line. You know what I mean? But I want all those street rappers to know, he’s using y’all too. But the difference is the street rappers aren’t going to be used. They gon keep they hand in Kanye West’s pockets cause wolves do not make good house pets, and Kanye West will learn that.”

Charlamagne went on to add that he’s “been tired” of Ye’s antics as of late.

You can watch the full episode below.